Use of English PRO


Matching Tips


What to do

This task is a long one, so don’t worry, it cannot be done quickly!

Your task is to match eight texts with five people. There are three texts which you will not need.

It’s important to find out what the different people want before you look at the eight texts.

Don’t choose an answer just because it contains the same words as the question. Read the texts carefully to check the meaning is correct.

This part of the test cannot be done quickly because you need to read the details in each text carefully, and you may have to go back to a text and re-read it several times.

When you are sure you have found an answer, you may want to cross out that particular text as you will not need to read it again.


  1. Read the five descriptions of people and underline the key words.
  2. Now read one description and try to find the matching text. The correct text must have all the points that the person requires. For example, if a person wants a romantic book that is short, you must find a text which matches the two requirements: romantic and short.
  3. Usually, the correct answer will not contain exactly the same words as the person’s description. You may have to recognize different ways of saying the same thing, for example, ‘love story’ instead of ‘romantic’, and ‘a book | can read quickly’ instead of ‘a short book’.
  4. If you think that there are two texts that seem to match the same person, read the description and the two texts again carefully. Only ONE text will match ALL of a person’s requirements.
  5. Check that the option you have chosen ts correct by trying to find out why the other options are incorrect.