In the late 30s, (0) ANALYSTS (ANALYSE) knew that the centre of the historic town of Coventry in the West Midlands needed to be redeveloped. Plans had to be (1) ............ (SHELF) when the Second World War started in 1939. However, the architects' opportunity (2) ............ (MATERIAL) when the city centre was practically destroyed during the war. Many buildings were (3) ............ (REPAIR) damaged and demolition work began. Aiming to create a much more (4) ............ (SPACE) area for (5) ............ (RESIDE) to work and shop in, town planners came up with a radical idea. They would make the city more (6) ............ (INHABIT) by pedestrianising the centre, preventing cars entering. There were (7) ............ (OBJECT) from local shopkeepers, who thought that it would have an impact on trade, but the planners went ahead. What was once a (8) ............ (DENSE) populated area became a pleasant, attractive place to visit. It was a real architectural achievement, one that many British towns have emulated since.