There is an (0) INCREDIBLY (CREDIT) (1) ............ (EXTEND) amount of crazy-sounding news right now. If (2) ............ (PROGRESS) are looking to be shocked, terrified, or incensed, they have plenty of options. Yet in the past two weeks, many have turned to a different avenue. They have shared 'fake news,' online stories that look like real journalism but are full of fables and (3) ............ (FALSE). This (4) ............ (APPEAR) seemed to confirm theorists' worst fears about the internet. Given the choice, democratic citizens will not seek out news that challenges their (5) ............ (BELIEVE). They, Instead, will opt for content that confirms their (6) ............ (SUSPECT). A BuzzFeed News investigation found that more people shared these (7) ............ (TRUE) stories than shared real news in the three months before the election. A follow-up survey suggested that most Americans believed fake news after seeing it on Facebook. When held to the laissez-faire (8) ............ (EDITOR) standards of Facebook, the market of ideas fails.